Miniaturas Magazine
Or read this in Russian
To all who subscribed to my site updates through email – sorry for Friday spam. I’ve been translating and moving some old posts from my English blog to this one. I totally forgot that I needed to disable my “Follow” plugins.
The good news this week – my first Miniaturas magazine arrived yesterday. I’m totally thrilled, I had couple of issues found on Picasa, some through my friends in Spain. I really wanted to subscribe to this wonderful mag, as it proved to be one of my favorite. The only problem was – my Spanish not that good, not good at all. Oh, and there was another problem – no digital subscription. That’s what was stopping me actually. But when one of my English mags subscriptions expired I immediately thought of Miniaturas. It was worth it in the end.
The cost is about the same as some English mags, but the quality is beyond compare really. I love it to bits! 🙂 I expected to receive one issue, but I got two actually! What a great surprise!
The quality of paper, photos is a-ma-zing. Period. Usually I skip through the pages quickly to discover only one or two articles worth reading, but this time I enjoyed every single page.
And a little present for me 🙂
The best way to learn Spanish, don’t you think? 🙂
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