Stairs, take two

WroteВиктория, February 8, 2012 в Dollhouse, WIP | RSS

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My second attempt to build the stairs for a hall. I didn’t really like my first version – the central post was a bit off, didn’t like wood color, etc. That’s why I decided to give it another try.

First of all, I chose makore and khaya as a primary material, oak for inner parts. I’ve also changed the working drawing to change the post location and thickness of veneer – from 3mm to 4,5 mm.


I think this time the stairs look much better, I knew most of the possible mistakes I could make, so it was easier to make it. I really like the color and texture. I also added small plinth on every step.

In the lower part I’ve made a small door for a pantry or storeroom.

I used the same wallpaper as the one in the hall. Now I can make handrail, at first I was thinking of fixing them to the wall (no balusters planned), but now I have some doubts about it. Maybe I’ll try something with balusters in the end.

The steps are covered with shellac, I need to sand them one more time, oh, and I forgot about decorating the upper carriage. Haven’t decided on details yet.

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