New Scrollsaw

WroteВиктория, November 22, 2012 в Tools and Equipment | RSS

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Several weeks ago I bought a new scrollsaw, a little bit bigger than the one I have.

New scrollsaw

I was in doubts about this one, as I was pretty happy with my small scrollsaw, here it is comparing with the new one. Sorry  about the little mess around, I was just in the process of cutting details for the door 🙂

New scrollsaw

Proxxon has two “bigger” scrollsaws – DSH (it’s older actually) and new DS 460, the one I bought.  So what are the reasons that made me buy it?

First thing that really annoyed me in my scroll saw – were these  blade holders, I hate that I need to spend so much time changing them.

inchscaled 058

It’s perfectly fine with the upper holder, but the one that’s under the table was a bit of a problem. If the scrollsaw is fixed on the table, and you have another equipment next to it, there’s no way you can unscrew the lower holder.  Another problem – sometimes when the blade is broken, and it broken right to the surface of the holder – it’s practically impossible to take out that broken piece of blade, you’ll have to disassemble the scrollsaw almost entirely. Aaand when you have a lot of details to cut – it’s another thing that can drive you mad.  I think this was one of the main reasons for me to change the equipment.

In the bigger scrollsaw you won’t have the problem with the blade at all, just unlock and push back the table, and changing the blase becomes very easy.

New scrollsaw

I also liked these recesses in the table surface that help you to align and fix the blade.

New scrollsaw

The other thing that I loved that I can use spiral blades now, and very long blades, and the ones with pins.

The only thing that I found confusing is this suction connection, it’s placed right under the blade holder. So if the blade is broken, the lower holder will immediately fall into this hole 🙂 I mean, I don’t have the blade broken often, but still, why is it fixed under the blade? In the end, I had to unscrew the section, so if anything happens, the holder falls on the floor, I don’t need to search it inside the vacuum cleaner.

New scrollsaw

Another nice addition – you can change the angle of the table, though I have no idea of where to use it 🙂 Still use the table saw for such cuts.

New scrollsaw

You can hardly call it noisy, but it has only two speeds. It’s great for cutting big details, but not good with small ones as the hole around the blade is a bit too big.

When I was thinking of buying the bigger scrollsaw I though that I’d sell the smaller one, but I don’t think I will, it’s still the best tool for small delicate details.


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