Inlaid Spice Chest- WIP

WroteВиктория, August 31, 2015 в Furniture, WIP | RSS

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My new project is inlaid spice chest that I found in some of the Popular Woodworking issues.

WIP - miniature spice chest. #miniature #dollhouse #miniaturefurniture

This time I used cherry wood, I need to make very thin stock, about 1mm. Very beginning of assembling:

Inlaid Spice Chest - WIP

Then I needed to do inlay, the original is with wooden one, but I decided to use brass. I made such inlay before and thought it would be fun to try again. Somehow it takes less time than with veneer.

Inlaid Spice Chest - WIP

Then I made some inner parts, rails for drawers, for example. Though they won’t be seen in complete chest.

Inlaid Spice Chest - WIP

Inlaid Spice Chest - WIP

Inlaid Spice Chest - WIP

In the next post I’ll show how I made drawers and a chest top.

Inlaid Spice Chest - WIP

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