Dollhouse bricks. Almost real!

WroteВиктория, September 22, 2015 в To Read, WIP, Worth Seeing | RSS

Or read this in Russian

There are some things that truly inspire. They can make you create a whole room just for them. And recently I found one in Russian social site. In one of the groups I saw a post about miniature bricks with lots of photos, and I was blown away. It’s hard to find an artisan in Russia who creates such complicated things (I’m speaking about technology and process involved) from scratch.
I loved the bricks and instantly wanted to buy them though I had no idea how I could use them, besides I’m making furniture mostly, not roomboxes (sigh). Minutes later I decided to make some sort of decoration for one of my items for Christmas Kensington Festival. I ordered 2kg of bricks.

Dmitry, an artisan who makes these bricks, was also very kind, he sent me bricks of another scale too (1/9) and half-bricks. Look how cool they are:

Brick wall construction

Lots of photos below:

Brick wall construction

Brick wall construction

The quality is amazing! And these bricks that cut in half, wow, super cool! You don’t need to cut them manually,so the process of making a wall will be fast.

Here are 1/12 scale bricks and 1/9 scale:

Brick wall construction

They look very realistic! And the color is amaaazing!

I have a very old post about making, no
making faux bricks in miniature. It’s still very popular among my visitors, and you can see how much time and nerves I wasted making these gypsum bricks. So who knows, maybe, I’d have finished the house if I had these bricks back then.

Well, this is how I made my decoration. I used MDF panels 3mm and 5 mm. The floor – oak parquetry. So the whole idea was to make some sort of modern mix: loft and classical.

Brick wall construction

Then bricks layout, I used acrylic gesso as a glue and umbra pigment to get rid of this white color:

Brick wall construction

Brick wall construction

Brick wall construction

Laying bricks is super fast and smooth:

Brick wall construction

Then I cover the whole wall with gesso, and when it’s dry remove the excess with wet towel.

Brick wall construction

Brick wall construction

Then moving on to gluing parquetry:

Brick wall construction

A desk looks nice here:

Brick wall construction

Texture is amazing:

Brick wall construction

Well, I need to add the details, there will be a mirror and lights! I’ll show you when it’s done.

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