A drafting table.

WroteВиктория, May 11, 2019 в Furniture, Metalwork | RSS

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As I wrote many times I hate working with metal, but this is the only thing that interests me now. Funny enough, I love brass casting, maybe because the only thing I have to do is model making.
Anyway, one day I notice those wonderful vintage drafting tables and architect’s tables and fall in love with them. It’s a very unconventional item, not many people want them in their dollhouses, but it was a chance for me to try metal construction. It became so easy for me planning a piece for woodworking purposes that I thought metal would be something similar for me. Oh boy, I was wrong, big time.
The table I made is simple, but there are couple of things that maybe not so easy to make – gears for height adjustment, table top angle adjustment. The parts are quite big, so you cannot just solder them together (and of course I thought I could when I was making a 3d model).


Here are casted pieces




All the parts needed cleaning and fitting. The most important was fitting, because during casting process the part shrinks a bit.
Overall, it wasn’t an easy project, I don’t think I’ll make another table like this again, I mean this model, because I found several modeling mistakes during assembling, which I had to fix.




Some of the parts are turned on a lathe. So, even if you do brass casting, still there’s huge amount of hand work.

The last part – brass blackening.



Here you can see a technical drawing of the table on the table:




Despite all the difficulties I had to face, I won’t stop. I have a piece I’m pretty excited about. It’ll be a lot of work, metalwork!

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1 Response

  • Cyndy Smith says:

    How wonderful! I just refinished my husband’s old drafting table that is so much like this one. In doing some research I read that many “gentlemen” had these drafting tables in their offices along with their desks. Found that tidbit interesting.

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