William and Mary dressing table – part 1.
I’ve been working on it since the beginning of the year, then I switched to making a workbench, and now I’m off the project for a week because of my daughter’s illness.
It was my first try using a lathe duplicator, and I’m quite pleased with the results.
But let’s start from the beginning. I start with cutting the legs, the turned part is bigger in diameter than the upper part. So I remove the waste with my router.
Новое видео
Вот наконец-то получилось сделать видео, немного лучше в этот раз вышло – все как-то посветлее и поинтереснее. Появился макро. 🙂 В общем, если вам такой формат понравится, чиркните мне – буду делать еще.
Roubo Workbench. Photos.
I’m in the process of making a video, but this time only photos. The workbench is covered with Danish Oil, nothing else.
Roubo workbench, part 3, final.
It’s assembling time! I showed a dry fit before, so there won’t be any annoying repeating photos. Let me show vises, for example. Before gluing anything I need to install tail vises and front.I start with tail vises.
At first, I drill a hole, insert the vises, check if everything is symmetrical. That dark detail (made of steamed pear wood) was made twice, because the drill hole was not set correctly. Too bad.
Well, then we have this detail inside the bench top, that’s moving back and forth, so inside this detail I install a nut. Then we make a mortise for it. Let’s hope nothing will crack.
Roubo workbench, part 2.
In the first post I showed how I made the legs and the top. I’ll leave the vises for the assembly part. And now, I’m making shelves, there are two of them. The upper one is quite thing, made of a single sheet. I’m making a frame for it out of steamed pear wood, just for fun.
At first, shelf itself.
Then the frame. On the photo you can see how I’m making a mortise.
Roubo Workbench, part 1.
I never thought that I’d be making a workbench! I’m always searching for some new ways of presenting the work that I do. I’m just never happy with the photos that I make, almost. One day, going through a bunch of fantastic Instagram photos of different cabinetmakers, I realized that they are fabulous even when they showed WIP. Still a process, but such a beautiful one. And I thought – what do I have? Just a green cutting mat, a lamp, that’s it. Even my beautiful ginger cat would never fit in. :))) Nothing cute really. And I’m a fan of cute things! :)))
After all, I thought, why not a workbench? It would look like a real workshop. I knew nothing about workbenches, so I bought one of Christopher Schwartz books. And it was quite exciting reading!
I was so impressed that I decided to make a Roubo workbench, well, its modern version. You can find a lot of drawings on Internet, so I didn’t waste my time and picked one.
Let’s begin! I start with a top (we have two parts). You can see dovetail joinery on the sides of it. I used steamed pear wood for the contrast.
Kensington Christmas Festival – photos.
I was so lucky to be there.
Tuscan Table.
I wish I had two more days, just 16 hours of work, probably I’d be completely happy then. But, I have only three hours a day, and my kid is sick, so I finished it a bit earlier. Lots of photos below.
Хвастаюсь. Новые резцы для резьбы по дереву.
Я почти-почти сделала стол! Осталось немного поработать с резьбой и покрыть лаком. Но об этом, наверное, на следующей неделе. А пока про мое новое приобретение. Вообще, оно мне досталось как заочный подарок на Новый Год, но радость от покупки испытываю уже сейчас.
Вот такой отличнейший набор микро резцов от Михаила Кирсанова теперь в моем арсенале. Кто читает форумы судомоделистов, тот поймет. А кто не знает, предлагаю зайти, например, сюда, и почитать. Хочется, чтобы о таких мастерах знали все.
New project, tuscan table with marquetry top
Almost in panic! Christmas festival is only one month away. And I only have time for one more item, this time it will be tuscan table. Lots of work here – carved legs with lots of details, turned parts, marquetry top, drawers… This table is kinda huge for me, legs are 7mm thick, quite unusual for me.