
WroteВиктория, January 10, 2014 в Furniture, Miniature Needlepoint, WIP | RSS

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We had  very long holidays as usual. I wish I’ve done more, but what can you do. I made two wonderful fringes on bobbin lace, painted them, then realised I needed one more!

At the moment I’m working on a second chair, the seat upholstery is done, now it’s back of the chair I’m working on.


WIP - another chair

40 nails used, I think another 40 will go too.

I also wanted to finish chaise lounge I was working on, but had no time at all, for now all the carving is done. And here is the back:

WIP - chair

Among other news – yesterday I got the mail from KDF, let the panic begin!

KDF soon

At least,  I hope it’s not the last KDF for me.

Aaand some needlepoint  – my art nouveau pillow is almost done, 60 count gauze is my favourite by far!

Miniature Needlepoint Pillow

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2 Responses

  • I can’t begin to say how much I love and admire what you do ! incredible !! I am such a novice but each day I learn Something new. I am no where near you of course. A question, how do you do such small Tapestry/embroidery ? do you use a magnifying glass ? do you always stretch your work ? I would love to make my own rugs ,,, I am still looking through your blog ,,,, here is mine if you want to look ,

    best wishes Stephanie ( Mrs M )

  • Hi Stephanie!
    I’m using 2x magnifying glass usually, on a bigger count like 40-60 I don’t use anything at all, just need a good lighting. I tried to make my own rug designs, even started stitching one of them, but it takes too much time, and I’m really into furniture right now.
    Your work is fantastic, btw!

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