Новый товарищ в моей мастерской. Этот год можно назвать годом Джима Бёрнса. Весной я купила пилу, тьфу-тьфу-тьфу, все отлично. Потом вот я начала тут делать один предмет, в котором используется гренадил. Это типа эбен, но не эбен. В общем, он прекрасен, конечно, но нормально его рейсмусовать у меня не получалось. То есть ленточка- ок, грызет только так. Фуганок – хорошо. Рейсмус – лопается зараза, прям внутри, звуки такие, что сердце останавливается. Причем гренадил не один такой у меня капризный. Все такие вот совсем экзотические породы лопаются в рейсмусе. Это я говорю про толщину заготовки в 2 мм и менее.
Так вот, возвращаюсь к тому своему проекту, понадобился мне гренадил толщиной 1мм. И вот лопался он, лопался. Я уже про черный граб вспомнила, но он-то совсем не торт. Психанула, заказала шлифрейсмус. Вообще, если кому интересно – забугорные товарищи предлагают два варианта таких станков, один на Микромарке продается, второй продает Джим. Я решила пошерстить форумы и прочитала кучу гадостей про Микромарк. Про Бёрнса тоже кстати читала, что не у всех получилось качественно сделать заготовки меньше миллиметра, но у меня вроде пока все нормально. Муж, кстати, наивно рассчитывал на присутствие автоподачи, мечтать не вредно 🙂
Вместе со станком я купила ради интереса шлифовальные листы, которые он предлагает на сайте, а также клин, который используется, чтобы бумагу эту крепить. Вся эта красота весит 14 кило, хотя сам станок довольно миниатюрный.
Что мне нравится у Джима, помимо качества, конечно, так это дизайн. Все так красиво-аккуратно-и вообще. И если с эргономикой у циркулярки есть определенные проблемы, то у шлифрейсмуса все просто и понятно. Отверстие для пылесоса прямо над барабаном. Стол идеальный, никаких следов на дереве, как у Проксоновского рейсмуса, например.
Режим один – вкл/выкл 🙂
На барабане два вида бумаги сразу установлены. С зернистостью 80 и 180. В принципе пока мне это очень даже удобно. Наждачка на тканевой основе, так что я заказала себе обычную отечественную Зубр, у которой максимальный номер 400, если не ошибаюсь. Хочу поставить вместо 80, так как ленточка пилит у меня и так довольно чисто.
Механизм подъема стола довольно простой, с помощью колеса поднимаем или опускаем до нужного уровня.
Не шумит! Шум на уровне той же циркулярки от Джима, очень тихий двигатель (и, по-моему, точно такой же стоит и там и там), но на гренадил его хватает с лихвой.
Вот такая неожиданная покупка вышла. В принципе, это неплохая замена рейсмусу Проксона, но на толщинах от 3мм я буду только Проксон и использовать.
New table saw sled
Well, holidays are almost over, and I started a new project. My kid’s grandpas and grandmas are helping me a lot, as I need to prepare for Christmas festival in December. Several posts ago I was selling Proxxon table saw, I also have FET model, and I was going to buy Byrnes’ table saw after that. Well, I was too optimistic about that! At first, we moved to the new apartment, then all these sanctions and oil prices cause the horrible currency rate, and dollar price skyrocketed. Then I need some (hehe, some!) money for London trip. So Byrnes remains in my dreams only, alas.
But I still have FET, the only thing I didn’t have any jigs for it, and I need them badly!
My first must-have is table saw sled. This time I used acrylic and found a laser cut service that cut all the details I needed. I ordered actually three sets, but only one is assembled for now.
Acrylic 3mm and 10mm is used here.
Making circles with router
I’m all into these Youtube videos, making them is a very exciting process, so I totally forgot that my camera can make photos too! 🙂 So far, I made all the parts for the tables in art deco style. I needed to cut four perfect circles, so it was time to make one more jig (it was the third I think, previous jigs disappeared somehow).
You can make perfect circles in different ways:
- to be perfect at scrollsaw and cut everything by hand.
- Make a jig for a tablesaw.
- Make a jig for a bandsaw, but I think my Metabo bandsaw is too big for the scale.
- Make a jig for a router, which I’ll show.
The jig is very simple and it works. You need to take some scrap MDF piece and a brass nail, you hammer it into MDF, and basically this is it.
My workspace organization
Usually I don’t post anything, but this time I decided to make a huge post about my new workshop organization.
Wardrobe shelf
Today was about making a shelf. I needed to bend veneer sheets for it. But first I made some sort of pattern. I took quite thick piece of beech scrap wood and cut the same pattern several times, then I glued all the parts together.
Proxxon planer review.
I got this surface planer as a birthday gift from my husband, I also have just a planer from Proxxon too, but sometimes you just need one perfect side, especially when the material is not perfect. I had to work with imperfections with my hand plane, but basically I don’t have enough space for it. Besides some woods are very hard to work with, so this planer is my savior.
Well, here it is:
Scalpel blades.
I was lucky to find a website selling scalpel blades and scalpel handles in Moscow. Usually such companies don’t sell anything to mere mortals, only clinics and doctors. Not this time. I got these:
- No. 11, I used all the blades I had, was one of my favorites some time ago.
- No. 10, love them!
- and my new favorite – 15c, love them even more! 🙂 It’s much smaller than No. 10, so it’s pretty cool for tiny cuts.
I also got three handles, just couldn’t resist, they were too cheap.
About the quality, 15c is the best IMHO, and it turned out, that it was from Netherlands (Steeluxe brand), 10 and 11 – from Germany.
Dutch Table. Poor man’s lathe duplicator.
It’s been a while since my last post, most of my work now is commissions. that I cannot show till December, sorry. I hope that in few months I’ll be able to show it all in details. I haven’t worked on my art nouveau cabinet since August, mostly because it was hard tget used to the fact that I have a baby girl, and she doesn’t really like all the noises from tablesaw and such. Then I started learning Rhino 3d program, later SolidWorks. I was so into Rhino that I actually design all the furniture pieces in it, Sketchup had to go 🙂
Well, back to work. In my last post I wrote about Dutch table that I made for commissioned roombox. So I’ve changed it, completely. The decoration part were scaled down a bit, the shape of the leg is different now. Usually I don’t mind making such changes, but this time it was very hard – it’s almost depressing to have to change things, when you have a baby (ugh, those sleepless nights:)), and I don’t have grandmas and grandpas to help me out, and you have to go back and start from scratch. grrrr. But there was no choice, the form of the legs was bad. I started with 3d model, here it is:
New commission – table WIP
As a part of the commission I had a table. Now it’s a good time to show you a couple of photos of the process of making it. Initially I was going to use mahogany for it and even made a table top and blanks for the legs, which I’ll show you below, but later on the plans got changed and I remade everything from cherry wood. Don’t be surprised 🙂
Router Fence – Theory and Practice
In my last post I showed you my new custom router fence. Later I got a request in comments to tell more about use of such fences. I feel a bit intimidated to write about it in English, because you can find plenty of information about jigs and tips in English, but almost none in Russian. So this post will be short 🙂
This is one of the crucial jigs for the routers – you can make moldings, rabbets with it, so you don’t need to clamp the part. You’ll also need the fence when you work with small parts.
I have two routers, the first one (I also made a custom fence for it):