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Dutch Table. Poor man’s lathe duplicator.

Author: Виктория, September 25, 2013 в Uncategorized

It’s been a while since my  last post, most of my work now is commissions. that I cannot show till December, sorry. I hope that in few months I’ll be able to show it all in details. I haven’t worked on my art nouveau cabinet since August, mostly because it was hard tget used to the fact that I have a baby girl,  and she doesn’t really like all the noises from tablesaw and such. Then I started learning Rhino 3d program, later SolidWorks.  I was so into Rhino that I actually design all the furniture pieces in it, Sketchup had to go 🙂

Well, back to work. In my last post I wrote about Dutch table that I made for commissioned roombox. So I’ve changed it, completely. The decoration part were scaled down a bit, the shape of the leg is different now.  Usually I don’t mind making such changes, but this time it was very hard – it’s almost depressing to have to change things, when you have a baby (ugh, those sleepless nights:)), and I don’t have grandmas and grandpas to help me out, and  you have to go back and start from scratch. grrrr. But there was no choice, the form of the legs was bad. I started with 3d model, here it is:

3d model of a leg.

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New commission – table WIP

Author: Виктория, August 8, 2013 в Uncategorized

Commission - table

As a part of the commission I had a table. Now it’s a good time to show you a couple of photos of the process of making it. Initially I was going to use mahogany for it and even made a table top and blanks for the legs, which I’ll show you below, but later on the plans got changed and I remade everything from cherry wood. Don’t be surprised 🙂

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Adell Venus Collection of Miniatures

Author: Виктория, August 1, 2013 в Uncategorized

If you read The Camp group on Yahoo, you probably heard of Adell Venus collection and the action that was held at 17th of July. I just couldn’t resist the pleasure of sharing this wonderful catalogue with you. What an exquisite collection!

From Adell Venus catalogue

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Router Fence – Theory and Practice

Author: Виктория, July 30, 2013 в Uncategorized

In my last post I showed you my new custom router fence. Later I got a request in comments to tell more about use of such fences. I feel a bit intimidated to write about it in English, because you can find plenty of information about jigs and tips in English, but almost none in Russian. So this post will be short 🙂

This is one of the crucial jigs for the routers – you can make moldings,  rabbets with it, so you don’t need to clamp the part. You’ll also need the fence when you work with small parts.

I have two routers, the first one (I also made a custom fence for it):

Another router fence

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Commissions and new router fence.

Author: Виктория, July 29, 2013 в Uncategorized

Some time ago I made a post about a router and a self-made wooden fence for it, (it was three years ago, time flies!) Well, not much has changed since that time, the only thing that became worse, was the fence itself. In the place where the fence and the router bit meet you could see uneven ends. So when you were working with tiny moldings, the accuracy of the the work suffered very much. My husband offered me to make a metallic fence for the router, and here’s the result:

New fence for the router

New fence for the router

It’s a bit taller than the wooden one, but you can change the width of it, so you can fit any router bit neatly. The view from behind, it’s very easy to remove it.

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My Baby Girl

Author: Виктория, July 15, 2013 в Uncategorized

I almost never write about personal stuff, but this is the most important and happiest event in my life –  at 12th of July (my birthday) I became a happy mom of a beautiful baby girl.

I’ve been waiting so long for this, it’s hard to find a happier person in the whole world!


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Shopping therapy

Author: Виктория, July 8, 2013 в Uncategorized

I just love buying new tools and materials, it gives your so much joy and inspiration! My long awaited package from UK with bones:

Tools and materials

Loved the color, and immediately tried to cut and carve it, got some interesting results.

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History of Furniture

Author: Виктория, July 2, 2013 в Uncategorized

А помните я хотела рассказать про книгу по мебели, которая мне очень понравилась?

Это книга по американской мебели, по 18му веку, но там есть куча идей и хороших замечаний, которые будут интересны любому,  кто подустал от сухих перечислений фактов в разных книгах по истории интерьеров.

Автор этого чуда – Джеффри П. Грин, книга вышла в серии Fine Woodworking, так что от книги можно было ожидать только хорошее.

Я разобью рассказ на несколько частей, ну а если вам доступно чтение в оригинале на английском, то настоятельно его прочитать, не пожалеете. Сегодня пока что про якобинский период.

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Petit point

Author: Виктория, June 21, 2013 в Uncategorized

Almost forgot about one thing – petitpoint!:)

I made this bunch of flowers for the gaming table, last time I tried crewel work, then painting on silk, this tim 60 count silk gauze and chinese silk floss. I’m making two versions ( the upper one on the photo is not done yet).


This is my first attempt with 60 count gauze, but I could manage without magnifier. Pretty happy about it!


I have a small piece of 72 count gauze, though I’m not so sure about trying it for now.

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Marquetry and mother of pearl

Author: Виктория, June 18, 2013 в Uncategorized

Well, the most difficult part, I think, is done. Here are two marquetry doors, and one central with applied carving.

art nouveau cabinet

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Блог о коллекционной кукольной миниатюре, кукольной мебели, румбоксах и кукольных домиках в масштабе 1/12. Информация о предстоящих выставках кукольной миниатюры, чертежи кукольной мебели и инструкции, советы по созданию кукольной мебели и румбоксов.