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My site of the week

Author: Виктория, July 27, 2012 в Uncategorized

Well, sites, actually 🙂

I’m a huge fan of furniture hardcover books, big albums etc, but sometimes you need to find something simple or something unusual.

That’s when antiques sites come handy.

My top 3:

I love just browsing there, perfect source of inspiration!

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It’s not that bad after all

Author: Виктория, July 26, 2012 в Uncategorized

With the help of my fellow bloggers, I did it! Brazing is much easier for me, after several hours of practice. I’m almost happy with this frame and plan to make couple more, just need to finish sketches.

Another try with brazing.

Here’s one of the epoxy roses that I made, not sure about using them though, maybe I should add more color, crystal clear look a bit plain to me.

Epoxy roses for chandelier


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Glass beads for miniature lights

Author: Виктория, July 25, 2012 в Uncategorized

Last week I received a package with lace bobbins (50 pairs), they were all unspangled, so I went to the nearest beads shop to buy some beads. I love this place, lots of cute things, I cannot leave it without buying something.  I found these wonderful glass beads, but they are not for bobbins, I’m afraid.

Glass beads

As these two weeks were all about making lights I immediately thought these beads would make perfect lamp shades. You would just need to cut them in half.

I googled at first to find someone who did it before but to no avail. So, here’s my first try.

You need Proxxon/Dremel/whatever tool,  diamond wheel and sticky tape.  Glasses for protection and mask  is a must for me too.  I also marked a cutting line on the bead.

Cutting glass bead for dollhouse chandelier

Here’s how you need to fix the bead on a tape:

Cutting glass bead for dollhouse chandelier

And just cut it off! 🙂 At first I thought that glass would break, but I was lucky, the edge is even. You can also sand the bead to make it even better 🙂

Cutting glass bead for dollhouse chandelier

Nice one:

Cutting glass bead for dollhouse chandelier

I’m very excited about it,there’s lot of beads with different sizes and shapes, lot’s of things to explore.

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All in progress

Author: Виктория, July 23, 2012 в Uncategorized

I should have put another title to this post, something like “Ugly Photos’ Post”, but nevermind.

I had a strange week, I actually did a lot of things, but seems like I don’t have much to show to you. I’m still making the parts for my chandelier, another one. I also continue learning metal lathe  things.  My husband is a great teacher, very patient, I should say. I did learn a lot, but still have to ask him if I have any questions.

As a result I made a beautiful candlestick, made of aluminum, but it looked very silver to me 🙂 Unfortunately, no photos for you here as it broke when I started cutting it off. The good thing is that I learned a lot, I also tried that mysterious jig for making spheres (absolutely, useless by the way for aluminum, because it’s easier to make them with files).

Experiment number two – metal spinning. Looks fantastic in this video, which is not mine, obviously 🙂

I don’t have silver, but lots of copper. I’m not very good with spinning, I managed to make these, hm, “cups”  after five or six attempts.

Metal Spinning - first try

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Another bobbin lace spam

Author: Виктория, July 10, 2012 в Uncategorized

I finished the second lesson yesterday, the third one turned out to be circular border.

Second pattern

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Bobbin lace again

Author: Виктория, July 9, 2012 в Uncategorized

Still learning the basics of Bedfordshire bobbin lace. Love it! I did the projects from two DVDs already, another two still waiting. I also decided to go through the projects from a very good book on this kind of lace – Introducing Traditional Bedfordshire Lace in 20 Lessons.

This is the first one, I’m almost happy with it, I really liked this cotton thread, easy to work with. The piece of lace to the right – is the one from DVDs, hm, it was too early for me to work with such pattern, I didn’t quite understand several tips there at the moment, but now I would be fine 🙂 Well, almost.

Bedfordshire lace

The second pattern from the book, almost done:

Bedfordshire lace

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Dolls house lights

Author: Виктория, July 5, 2012 в Uncategorized

First try to make a chandelier

I think that July will be a month of making lights. On one hand, I have a commission, on the other hand I need to make a lot of lights for my dollhouse, and all this in art nouveau-ish style. I did several sketches, and probably will make all of these projects. I started from the easiest one, I used here a brass strip (remember my post about photo etching?). I’m not very good at soldering, my husband was very happy to give me some tips, because the last time I did it, I was about 10 years old trying to fix my ZX Spectrum keyboard (I failed:) and my tape recorder (this time I was lucky).  The results now a more satisfactory, but not good enough for me. Anyway, I’ve just started! 🙂 Drilling was easier 😉

First try to make a chandelier

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Author: Виктория, June 28, 2012 в Uncategorized

I’ve finished with the first floor, and cannot be happier! Good to move on to the  upper floor – just three doors, two windows and three ceilings left. Here’s how my living room looks like:

Living Room

I didn’t make the plinth, because I want to install a fireplace first.  The windows are made of mahogany, they don’t open, but in my case it’s all been planned 😉

Living Room

The ceiling is very simple, nothing fancy, I guess, because of the wallpaper, that takes too much attention.

Under the windows you can see my second version of poppy table, this time, again, it was a commission piece, so I’m thinking of the third version for myself. 🙂

Some goodies arrived this morning for my handmade lights, hopefully I’ll try to make them (at least, start) this weekend. If I’m lucky with it, I can also start working on the exterior.

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Author: Виктория, June 15, 2012 в Uncategorized

It’s sooo good to be back to work on my dollhouse! I’ve finished the main door today:


I didn’t make a door knob for the inner side of the door just yet, it will be there soon, I promise 🙂

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Victorian Style

Author: Виктория, June 4, 2012 в Uncategorized

I would never consider myself as a huge fan of Victorian style, probably because I haven’t seen the  examples that would look just right for me. And this time I think I’ve found some. One of my latest commissions:

Victorian style

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Блог о коллекционной кукольной миниатюре, кукольной мебели, румбоксах и кукольных домиках в масштабе 1/12. Информация о предстоящих выставках кукольной миниатюры, чертежи кукольной мебели и инструкции, советы по созданию кукольной мебели и румбоксов.